WKF Anti-doping Outreach shows learning can be fun on Play True Day #OnePlayTrueTeam


Anti Doping

WKF Anti-doping Outreach shows learning can be fun on Play True Day #OnePlayTrueTeam

In honour of Play True Day 2023, the WKF is inviting the global Karate community to take part in the digital campaign by creating a Play True Frame, thus pledging support for Anti-doping.

(https://www.wada-ama.org/en/play-true-day-assets Enlace: (https://www.wada-ama.org/en/play-true-day-assets)

For Play True Day, the WKF would also like to highlight the organisation´s efforts in Anti-doping education after recently celebrating an Outreach activity at the European Senior Championships in Guadalajara (Spain) in collaboration with CELAD (National Antidoping Agency of Spain) where 130 athletes participated in Anti-doping games.


Powered by the online game site Kahoot, participants had to answer questions correctly and faster than their opponents within a limit of time, driving competitiveness and excitement.


Athletes who participated in the 2nd edition of the WKF Anti-doping game held in the World Championships in Konya were the first to participate. Throughout two days, a steady stream of athletes, coaches, and parents enjoyed 15 minutes of healthy and fun competition.


ultaneously, while future participants cued to play, they were also entertained by taking the WADA's Play True quiz.


Compared to the initial edition of the game, the 3rd edition showed an increase in inclusion and reach after it was translated from three to over 20 languages.


The importance of this could not be understated, as the average scores of non-native English-speakers improved significantly, and participation at a Senior competition went from 60 to 150 participants within a two-day period.


Finally, participants walked with a “Karate for Life” training shirt, and most importantly, a positive and enjoyable learning experience with their friends.

The Senior and Para-Karate Coaches meetings presentations and Q&A highlighted the central role in guiding the careers and lives of many athletes about the importance of education and resources available to them.