Introducing the WKF's Anti-Doping Activity Pack
WKF Structure
As many of us around the World are currently staying safe by staying at home, we at the WKF have put together several anti-doping activities to both educate and entertain the younger athletes amongst us.
As many of us around the World are currently staying safe by staying at home, we at the WKF have put together several anti-doping activities to both educate and entertain the younger athletes amongst us. Over the next three weeks, we will be sharing activities from our activity pack, which focus on the “Spirit of Sport” and its core values.
The pack has been created with the help of WADA’s very useful Teacher’s Tool Kit and we hope that young athletes, aging from 8 to 14, as well as parents and teachers alike will enjoy and benefit from its use.
This week, we are starting with an activity for the youngest karatekas amongst us: a family-friendly Snakes & Ladders boardgame with a focus on values in sport – we do hope you get involved and enjoy this first activity!
CLICK HERE to learn more and to download the first activity.